After opening the controller window, the software is synchronising to the device and downloads the contents of the current preset.
The ui elements show at all times the current state of the device.
In the following, the display and control elements in the main view are explained.
1 | Preset Selection and Storage |
Displays the currently active preset and allows to switch between presets. An asterisk (*) appended to the preset name indicates that the preset has been modified / has unsaved changes. The settings icon opens a drop-down list to load or store user presets. See below. |
2 | Input Selector | Displays the currently selected input and allows to switch to a different input. |
3 | Sync State Indicator |
Indicates the synchronization state: Blue - controller window contents and device are in sync Orange - sync in progress (e.g after sending a command to the device and waiting for the acknowledgement) Red - synchronization lost (device did not respond to last command or responded with an error) |
4 | Master Mute Button |
Allows to mute the device completely. |
5 | Master Gain Slider and Spin Box | Allow to adjust the current master gain by either entering the desired value into the spinbox or using the slider. |
6 | Channel Tabs | Allow to switch between Main, Input or Output view. Tabs that are inactive indicate either that the corresponding channel is not present in the device or that the preset does not allow modifications in this channel. |
7 | Base Preset Indicator | If a user preset is active, this text box shows the system preset that this user preset is based on. |
8 | Input Level Indicator | Displays the level at the input in real-time. |
9 | Input Gain Fader and Edit Field | Display and allow to adjust the gain of the corresponding input. The type of input is shown above the edit field. |
10 | Output Level Indicator | Displays the level at the output in real-time. |
11 | Output Gain Fader and Edit Field | Display and allow to adjust the gain of the corresponding output. |
12 | Gain Reduction Indicator | Displays the gain reduction in case a limiter is active |
13 | RMS Limiter Charging | Shows the current charging of the RMS limiter. As this gets near 100% the RMS limiter is activated and starts reducing the level at this output. |
14 | Output Mute Button | Mute or unmute the corresponding output and indicate the current mute state. |
Preset Selection and User Preset Storage
The modifications that are applied to the device in the Controller window are stored in a so-called live preset which is permanently stored. After a power-cycle, these settings persist until a system preset is being recalled. The patches can also be stored permanently as user presets (*.pup files)under a given name.
The picture to the left shows an example for the opened Preset drop-down list with 3 system presets (factory icon) and one user preset.
When the user preset is selected / recalled, the device first loads the base preset and then applies the user preset as a patch to it.
1 | Saves the current device state to a new user preset. As a default, the name of the current preset prefixed with "My " is suggested and can be changed by the user. |
2 | Reverts the state of the device to the preset displayed in the drop-down list (to undo changes). |
3 | If a user preset is currently selected, this option overwrites the user preset with the current state. |
4 | Deletes the currently active user preset. |
5 | Saves the currently selected user preset to a file (*.pup) |
6 | Loads a user preset from a *.pup file |